16 April 2013

Responding to BLACK radio TWib's perspective to forget the past and get on with the future

Ok you don't agree with the idea of forget about the past and get on with the future ... I get that, but why can't LL Kool J PERSONALLY believing in it. As a "half cast" I 'll be damned if I'll seek the permission of either side to express what I think. That folks
BTW the civil war was more than just over black emancipation per se. especially given that the Nth in the early days made much of their money slave trading and transporting. I'm led to believe that that is the origin of the term Yankee (yank the slaves from their homes in Africa and transport them to Where ever.) .
I would put it to you that the major cause was a power battle between the two the industrialists of the north and the Landed Gentry of the South. Slaves were simply cheap labor to support CAPITALIST PROFIT. Keep in mind that capitalism is built on the powerful exploiting the less powerful.
Have you read southern news papers of the day? The wealthy of any color or gender see the privilege wealth creates as a right/entitlement.
The point you are missing is that the landed Gentry " southern White gentlemen" were the 1%ers of the time. The bulk of the white population weren't rich nor necessarily slave owners.
What you fail to take into consideration is that like the black slaves most of the whites came from many different 'cultures' and were hand to mouth poor. They , both black and white, had nothing in common except their skin colors and shared experience (suffering).

Humans black white or anywhere in between come from the same genetic stocks (out of Africa 1,2 &3). They share the same genotype and therefore the same generic motivations despite the differing phenotypes. One of the most powerful is to protect what they have and what they know or most comfortable with.
It therefore should not be a surprise that the Sthn 1%ers stirred up the the poor white (trash) most of whom were power naive under educated by way of fear of loss of individual rights etc... (As LJoy indicated negative is a better motivator of the rump than high minded complex principal).

The southern flag to a son of the South is more about their personal rebellious spirit and pride in the only difference they have....their white skin. Everyone want's to feel special or else we wouldn't have invented religion
Of course there are consequences even extremes (anybody want to argue , there isn't black extremists? or blacks that don't exploit their own kind(sic)?) but as the song says they are still hurting over the emotional defeat 150 years ago. Keep in mind these are the people who gave rise to the 80yo+ feud between the Hatfieds and the McCoys.
Jesus H Christ on a pogo stick the Irish are still warring over 1066 and the "battle of the Boyne" and the riots of 1927.
The converse is true of your view that the southern flag represents suppression of the blacks ... i.e. to them it is celebrating them being white.... as the Japanese flag means being Japanese... you want institutionalised racism study their laws a bit I think you'll be horrified?
Yes the flag is abused as is being 'merican. I'd like a $ for every USA tourist who has tried it on, being a bully or simply an ass hole in other countries. " we're American we demand better service ... why can't you(Asians)speak properly" (really?? how problematic is that?) Fortunately I carried an Aussie passport too so I avoided the oh so inscrutable push back.'solly I no speak ENGLISH'... when they did, with a mid Atlantic ascent.
Consider for a moment what the Stars and stripes means to say the semi or uneducated natives of PNG or East Timor. It is offensive to them as it represents to the latter US backing of the nation ( Indonesia ) that nearly exterminated their entire race and culture... they are of different stock and religion (Christian and Melanesian ) to the Indonesians (the world's most populous Muslim nation and essentially east Asian)
So who's perspective is right ? Isn't it smarter to do as the song suggests ? The same as Sth Africa and yes East Timor.

Also note I lived in SC for 18 years and I couldn't count the number of whites I knew who despised the Tea party and/or the religious extreme right (you parodied, not particularly well. The accent was all over the place Their speech pattern and word choice would be far more simple. They wouldn't use your favorite word "problematic" and oh yes not all Tea baggers and their 125th st logic are from the South ... if you check Wapo and Rolling stone you see they are stronger in the mid west and central US. As Chomsky rightly points out they have concerns and legitimate gripes... But circumstances limit their deductive powers and their flawed rhetoric and methodology are the inevitable consequences.

Think of it like this in the 1930/40 there was a popular radio show where two white men pretended to be two loveable (if very white stereotyped)scoundrel poor blacks "Amos and Andy". If it was played today there would be hell to pay.

Now consider your ' Southern White Gentlemen hour' in the above context why isn't that stereotyping and offensive too? Two wrongs might add up to a republican but they never add up to a right or equity. It is in fact a battle of stereotypes and the good get lumped in with the bad.
BTW Kentucky and other rural areas are suspicious of strangers regardless of color. Imagine me not black or white with a southern accent walking into a some bars in the hood at night. Our son was in East LA and walked into a local bar and in his words was fearful of getting out alive now he's white. His solution was to make sure they heard his over emphasised Aussie accent “ g'day mate... what's good in beer here in America”. In the aend he was drinking with some locals as he worked through the beers and telling them about Australia's fearful 'drop bears' and ' blue ringed possums'.
PS he went to school in Charleston but went back to Aus to university and stayed with his Grandma.
You being lynched Hmmm me thinks you were projecting a bit.

Tell L Joy that Maori is pronounced M- our- re and as a Polynesian (Hawaii) ancestry Blood (period) was important to them as was cannibalism. The don't practice the period blood bit or cannibalism any more.
They arrived in NZ about 1000 AD and didn't form separate cultures although they did separate as tribes. They differ from the Aussie Aborigine in that they arrived in Aust about 40-50 thousand years ago ( first out of Africa) and formed over 200 nations and cultures and even started to change phenologically. They had regular regional meetings for dispute or issue determination similar the the Native Americans (see the book 1491) .
Unlike the Maori they were way less savage and lived far more WITH the land. The Maori simply ate and exterminated their mega fauna and their enemies and each other. (see Maori wars and Moriori).

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