16 April 2013

Pope Frankie Becomes Rome

Where do I start ? I have so many objections and questions of Latin America’s “Frankie goes to Rome” (80′s pop reference).
1. This particular person has ( in my mind) sectarian questions to answer if what I’ve read is even partially correct i.e. the close relationship with the previous Military Junta during the time when ‘people disappeared’, poor children also disappeared and some were ‘adopted’ by the Junta ‘s friends. His reasoning in defrocking priests that were opposition to the junta. And those who assisted i.e. referred rape pregnancies to a free clinic
2. in a country like the poor areas of Argentina forcing births isn’t just a matter of 6th century structure and 15th century dogma to breed faster than protestants, it a matter of survival of whole families. In today’s context such with nearly 8 billion people in comparison with perhaps a few hundred million in 540 something AD the whole notion is nothing short of Obscene.
3. The notion that people need someone to intercede for them with their * ‘omnipotent’ personal God* is intellectually preposterous.
4. Organised anything tends to be become a vector for individuals to seek power.
5. by definition the primary purpose on an on going organization is its own longevity not the people it was created to serve. i.e. the coverup of kiddie fiddling priests to protect the ‘good’ (sic) name of the Catholic church. Pity about the kids fiddled with.
6. Frank is the product of a 6th century Patriarchal kingdom dogmatised mindset . This includes expunging women from anything but servants of the Church (Institutionalised) as opposed to any spiritual sense. As for Vilifying homosexuals the hypocrisy with ‘Christian’ teachings is beyond belief.
7.Frank was elected by the politics of the ‘princes’ (Cardinals) of the church not by the people and certainly not by merit. As Machiavelli put it in the ‘Prince’ “politics is the art of the possible” and as such the axiom One can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear rings true. No matter how pure his starting morals/principals were he is constrained by the system
In short he is the product of a fatally, past its use by date horrendously corrupt(ed) system. To succeed in this system one needs to be morally flexible (restrained corrupted) much like Obama.
8. I read in the paper here that Cardinal Pell of Sydney has been appointed as advisor to Frankie on how to reform the Church….. you have to be kidding!! This guy thinks its 1940/50. He’s so out of touch he is no longer allow to speak on the sexually predatory paedophile priests because he cocked it up so badly … while he might be a nice enough man as such, but as a leader of anything talk about ‘barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen for women’ and ‘gay is a treatable ailment… all they have to do is be celibate’ type of theologian.
Conclusion, I think its time for the rusted rigid edifice of Catholic Church to be sold for scrap use the money to benefit those who need it and start again. Clearly Frankie is to me More of the same and needs to go the same way as the dinosaurs.
No I’m not impressed. Play in excreta and all you get is disease.

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