23 August 2012

what's with personality fetish in lieu of substance

I've been recently taken to task by yet another poster on a site. At the root of his criticism was the fact that I objected to a comment that was clearly racist. i.e. it was in the context of Obama's acquiescence to the powers that be in USPolitics ...he called Him an Uncle Tom.
This is based on Harriet Beecher Stowes book of the same name. It referred to a subservient 'nigger' (slave) who is willing to sacrifice his life etc for the white 'massa'.
In this , the only, real context... it introduce colour as a pejorative.

I would argue that one wouldn't refer to Bush or any other Prez as white uncle toms. Thus the term is demeaningly used,and as such my criticism was/is valid.
This obviously stung the poster in such a way he continued the attack later. But this time as a tit for tat attack on me personally.

Now here is the conundrum, One of his criticisms was that I'm verbose in my responses and using the site as an ego therapy. The first is valid (from his perspective), the second isn't.
Clearly the reader has made the non existent link between making a racist comment and him being racist.
Hence his response.

My problem is that see the difference between the two i. e. I don't believe that one swallow = spring . Put another way if I hit my thumb with a hammer and let out with an expletive, that doesn't mean that I am a simple minded foul mouthed individual prone to bad language in public or in print.
By that reasoning I don't believe the commenter is a burning cross or closet racist bigot. Merely that the terminology is offensive to me and that I consider it unacceptable, not to mention that coloured people reading would find it so too.

It is one thing to attack an action or words but not the personality of the person doing /making them. Especially given that I'm reasonably sure Obama is personally unknown to both of us.
I would further argue that such terms or personal attacks are unproductive in getting a discussed compromise or working conclusion. It is psychological fact that repetition forms opinions. One only needs to watch the news on politics or ads to hear/see the 'staying on message' and the incessant repartition.
The problem is that not enough people draw the line between personality and function.
i.e. Obama's fate will largely depend on the public's impression of him personally, their personal disappointments ( they over expectations about what he can functionally do), rather than the impressive list of positive things he has done... This is further emphasised by Romney's campaign being largely ' that he is not Obama'. The truth is if Romney is successful he will be beholden to simply a 'different'
group of Plutocrats.

The media in fact the whole Capitalist edifice is based and bolstered by the vagaries of Personalities/emotions not substance.
i.e. Gem stones ...diamonds in particular aren't all that rare rather the high prices/value is artificially kept high by restricting their availability by the DeBeer's cartel the consequences of which are diabolical.( blood diamonds)

Perhaps my most trenchant disgust is how the media focuses on the sensational or personalities rather than the un adorned facts . i.e. An US Senator visiting Israel went 'skinny dipping' and that is a scandal? Why? Because the media has said so again and again and Again. People have had natural tendencies deftly hyper sensitised to whereby such trivial actions has bearing on public opinion on his ability to do his job.
When in truth it has absolutely none.

Essentially I'm rebelling over the over simplification , the personality V competence to lead a country which leads me to How do I communicate with others if all they want is over simplified, glorified, sanctimonious gossip and personalised attacks in lieu of reasoned in context analysis of topics perhaps to arrive at a solution?

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