16 April 2013

My answes to Kyle Rogers' racist tweet on 'Obama's children'

My thinking is that this guy’s tweets are in the Asshat zone (period).
First of all I’d want to put him in proportion/perspective.
But rather than see his BS as proof of wider racism as a disease I’m inclined to examine why what is HIS motive.
If one looks at statistical distribution bell curves on any topic the most obvious feature is that the vast majority of people ( 66% approx) are within a bulls roar of the average (central “Standard Deviations”). Asshat ideas like Kyle’s actually relate to perhaps the far 15% of numnuttery.
15% of 330 million is a big number but it is still a minority… a noisy monkey poo throwing one but still a minority.
The key point of the distribution is where the average is.
And how many people who can be swayed to move to the same side of the the opinion as Kyle.
I’d point out that there are several types of racist . if one looks at his wider tweets a pattern appears (to me). I’m almost comfortable to suggest that it’s self serving (politically) motivated rather than racist per se i.e. if Obama was JUDGE Thomas ( a Republican)my bet is Kyle would be tweeting something about the Dems (socialist [sic]) policies. In reality he’s simply reaching to the bottom of cesspit to stir up the frightened rabble.
The second type of racist are are those who see being white as their identity in the similar ways as Twib’s Elon sees himself as Black a perfectly understandable position in either case. In the case of ‘rednecks’ ( the origins of which is red necked from working in the fields) given they have precious little else to distinguish them and their historic fear that poor blacks would deprive them of unskilled jobs it’s not surprising at all.
Let me illustrate the issue in terms of team sports like real FOOTball (Soccer .. a game where only feet are used, not mobile wrestling like gridiron ;-P) …… in truth I don’t like either. I choose this sport because i’s often a proxy for the same sort of identity bias/bigotry extremes as racism.
In Scotland two teams Celtic and Rangers are perfect examples . One nominally Catholic the other Protestants when they play police have to be vigilent and physically separate the two lots of supporters. The police have video surveillance outside the grounds to catch and exclude a minority of agitators. these thugs come ‘ tooled up’ with everything from iron bars, flares, mega phones to Cut throat razors… they mean lethal business..
Coincidentally there is a rough profile of them in that they are from deprived areas ( like Clyde side where the ship building industry collapsed , they are unemployed or have menial manual jobs . They are bitter and angry and actively look for someone to blame. Often fiercely Scottish as opposed to British and often White Supremacist (sound familiar?).
Going a little more afield if we examine say Polish fans when they play Germany the same extremist incendiary situation applies. The poles resent that they’re the poor cousins to the Germans because of their fate in and after WW2…. the German Thugs despise the Poles because they blame them for “stealing” their jobs by setting up cheap labor zones.
Occasionally there are in all examples a person who is sufficiently smart and articulate to be able to direct that unarticulated angst for their own benefit/ purpose. The end justifies the means. Kyle is one of the agitators I’d suggest that in all probability he is narcissistic , lacking in empathy and selfish.
Sadly USA has elevated this borderline sociopathic tendencies to desirable features to succeed in this objectifying capitalist (version 2.3) culture.
I guess my point is one must be certain one is diagnosing the correct problem before getting excited i.e. Kyle’s ‘racism’ is a symptom not necessarily the disease.
I accept to most black Americans the difference is moot but if one seeks a resolution cure well you see what I mean.

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