is a product of his myopic self interest arm chair pundit thinking.
wants an easy to digest answer. one that doesn't make him think too
deeply in case doing so it may reveal an inconvenient truth one that
may make him feel uncomfortable with the way he leads and views life.
marketing person/ sales person knows to be successful one never asks
a question in the 'closing sale' that you don't already know the
answer. So how do you do that? Simply by limiting the scope of the
discussion. One way is to declare all other influencing factors as
irrelevant or externalities... (aka controlling the topic) this is
exactly what the right and some on the left do.
doesn't want to address the, logic of the implications of what he
says and covers this with "I've tried before and there's no
point ... you're indoctrinated". That's code for either I can't
control where this is going or I might lose (the point see first
say that way because I in specific try to raise the 'mitigating'
factors or their externalities etc for further consideration.
never met a "Rightie" who is able or prepared to to
consider factor of a deeper level. Think of the right's arguments
like a the leaning tower of Pisa. It was built over a couple of
centuries. . What they discovered was that the building was over
time, beginning to lean so their reaction was to compensate. There
were several upper story fixes.. by shorting walls on one side etc (
It's history is fascinating) rather than deal with the inappropriate
to the soil foundations. Consequently the current fix is horrendously
expensive and not certain to work. My point for both the second stage
builders and the American political party aficionados is simply “a
stitch in time ….” and now is that time. But the “righties”
simplistically want to shorten the walls on one side . And refuse to
look deeper than the current floor level.
the depth of what they say with Chomsky's on just about any social
or political point.
I don't agree with all of Chomsky's conclusions particularly about
socialism however he has a point about anarchism (see the real
meaning). I raise that because it includes libertarian concepts.
reality the whole American re- definitioning is no more than simple
no more than advanced marketing techniques.
meta point I've long striving for is that left/right are artificial
are simply marketing creations mechanisms in order to garner power
over the majority.
parties are simply political consolidators. In order to get a
majority they need to simplify human thoughts into clearly saleable
simplified generalisations ergo polarise the thought process into
left OR right.
Differentiation) . Like all long term organisation the followers must
sacrifice their individuality, identity to the good of the party.i.e.
Woe betide the individual congress person who speaks out against
party policy ( they are disloyal yarder yarder) regardless of their
personal convictions ( peer pressure and fear are the motivators) .
some stage the longevity of he party supersedes the rights of the
individual.... i. e. the people serve the tool. This party/
corporate entity creates the means for the increasingly moral
'flexibilty' (read ambition) to use the structure for personal gain.
See the Redford old movie “ the candidate” … he gained
notoriety by being high moral but during the process of getting
elected he had to compromise and obfuscate until at the end he's
elected and asks his campaign manager two questions;
is it that we stand for?
what is it we do next?
answer to the latter was published in the WP low people on totem pole
newbies spend 4-6 hrs a day begging for money to fund re-election
and donations for the party.
similarity to service industries' sales people ( the real job of
financial analyst's, brokers etc is clear.)
who makes policy etc ? A minority of senior members and the
organisational bureaucracy.
the similarities of a political party to a business/ corporation. …
They aren't part of the public service What is their product?
Power and the actual members of Congress members are the sales staff
think about the ratio of 'productive sales members' (read congress
members) to party 'non productive' party staff wages etc? Keep in
mind this doesn't include there is a bureaucratic army paid by the
tax payer to help members do their job.
effect political parties non elected policy makers. Ask your self
have you got a better explanation why a party would stop any policy
even ones they while in power supported answer they are following
party directives.
let's look at the parties. In reality there are two sort of members
those who do paid work for the parties and the ordinary members who
have 2cents worth of nothing actual power so who are they selling/
providing power to? Do the math.
it's not rocket science , even with the most charitable view of party
power who are the stake holders a small minority of those who vote
republican … the GOP have been doing fast foot work to give the
rank and file member the impression of giving them what they want.
Take the last GOP candidate selection campaign it was a circus and
it was patently obvious who was the anointed candidate from day 1
Romney. The campaign process was to sell him to the members. Ask
yourself why they picked him ? Because he was the establishment’s
choice . That's why the campaign is run like a no holds bared soap
campaign or a rock concert promotion.
is a low order factor it's the candidates saleability. Ask yourself
what real power other than declaring war does POTUS have ? Look at
Obama perhaps one of the most competent presidents for some time but
every step he took he was blocked, filibustered … why some business
would have lost power.
you really think Obama had free call of the shot with the banks that
caused the GFC.? I know he didn't because the system is skewed to the
founding fathers had lengthy arguments about party government look
it up for exactly the reasons I wrote here.
Washington ( ex general) was opposed to the undue power of the
military manufacturing Complex.
it up I didn't invent the stuff.
civil war was more over profit than slavery... the south was agrarian
based (landed gentry) the north were the industrialists and bankers
… the people were proxy pawns ...guess who won? Guess who always win ?
In truth folks all political ideologies share similar features not necessarily always the same features and never exclusively.
In my view parties asside the differences between the righties and the lefties isn't really a matter morality it's simply a matter of degree.
I don't approve of nor am I encouraging teen pregnancies ergo my views on that subject are right of centre . The difference between me and say a tea partier is that want to impose their views on others and I am pragmatic enough to know I can't . And I'm also wise enough to recognize that if we sanction them all we are doing is saving up the problems to bite us later. ... A stitch in time ... view.
Conversely the TPer is obsessed with the immediate and to hell with the future. By anybodies reasoning I'm simply less extreme